05 Jan 2021

Implementing Reading Minutes Left

The following is a step by step instruction for implementing reading minutes left for a particular article, blog, or similar, just like we see on medium.com.
05 Jan 2021

Implementing Magnific Popup

You might want to add the functionality for a magnific popup where there are multiple items, say images, videos which on clicking would open up in a popup and you would be able to scroll through those. Something like this: https://dimsemenov.com/plugins/magnific-popup/. Worry not! You do not need to go through the entire documentation in the above link. I have done the hard work for you so that you can get it done in the wink of an eye!
13 Sep 2019

How to simplify the layout of your website using Flexbox?

Have you ever scratched your head while working with CSS to make some simple layouts for your website? Are you fed up of running to the UI developers for small layout designs every time?