2024 Future of Software Apps: Wellness Space Trends Skip to main content


9 Feb, 2024
4 min read

The 2024 Future of Software Apps in The Wellness Space

Naman Saxena

The 2024 Future of Software Apps in The Wellness Space - Banner

Mobile applications have become a standard part of our daily lives. From managing our finances and staying connected with friends and family, it's also becoming an integral part of our wellness space. This is especially true after the pandemic.

The pandemic has made everyone conscious about their health, and the rise of the fitness app market is proof. The pandemic is over now, but as we look ahead to 2024, it's only natural to wonder what the future holds for health and fitness apps.

Healthcare organizations are considering mobile apps to offer services across boundaries and are redefining the efficiency, communication & quality of healthcare amenities. 

At Innoraft, we constantly strive to stay updated and anticipate future trends. This blog will explore the future of app development in the wellness space for 2024.

Wellness Apps and Their Role

Wellness apps are software solutions that promote a good, healthy lifestyle. These apps work to offer services like activity tracking, physical and mental exercises, nutrition management, and general wellness health monitoring solutions.

Users look to these apps to increase their cardiovascular health, build strength and endurance, reduce the risk of chronic diseases such as diabetes and heart disease, and improve their physical health. It helps them feel better, have more energy, and be more productive.

What does a user look for in a wellness app?

  • Accurate information: Great apps for meditation, anxiety apps, mental health apps, and fitness apps must give precise information.
  • Actionable advice: It should offer advice to help you build better health.
  • Notification: It should send you only the notifications that you need.
  • User-friendly: It is easy to use.
  • Track your success: It should continue to meet your needs as you progress.
  • Customer support: The best app comes with 24*7 tech support to guide you through.

Future of Wellness Apps 2024

Technology is ever-evolving, and software applications have to imbibe the same. As we move towards 2024, several high-tech solutions are expected to set the mobile application trend. One of the most expected ones is the integration of Artificial Intelligence into health and fitness apps.

Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Artificial intelligence has a significant impact on the way a person interacts or uses apps. It has the power to make apps intuitive, efficient, and personalized. Using AI, wellness apps can anticipate your needs, provide proactive suggestions, and help you achieve your goals. Let's understand it better:

You download a fitness app. After downloading an app, you need to enter some of your health details, like your weight, cholesterol level, and so on. You can feed in the fitness goals that you want to achieve. A fitness app can analyze your data and recommend personalized workout routines that suit your needs. You can also set a timer for exercise every morning, and it will remind you of that.  

A fitness app using AI can analyze your exercise patterns and assist you in managing your daily tasks. AI will enhance the user experience by aligning app suggestions with individual preferences and interests.

How does it do it?

  • AI uses NLP (natural language processing), predictive analytics, and speech recognition to understand user queries and communicate effectively.
  • Machine learning produces medical insights that were previously unavailable.
  • Deep learning algorithms find the normal and abnormal data of the patients.
  • Computer vision helps you understand images and video better.

5G Technology

Another trend that will profoundly impact wellness apps is 5G technology. Higher multi-Gbps peak data speeds, ultra-low latency, more reliability, and massive network capacity are the needs of society. 5G will enable a new generation of app experiences with lightning-fast speeds and low latency. Wellness apps are expected to be well integrated with 5G technology to download large files in seconds, stream high-definition videos without buffering, and participate in seamless video conferences in 2024.

Augmented Reality (AR)

Augmented reality apps are yet another trend to watch out for 2024 in wellness apps. AR has made its mark in industries such as gaming and e-commerce, but its potential goes far beyond that in wellness apps. It is designed to add digital elements over real-world views with limited interactions. With the help of a myriad of AR, you can skip local gyms and choose a workout from home with real-time professional guidance through each phase of VR fitness and so on.

Internet of Things

The Internet of Things (IoT) is emerging as a game changer in the wellness industry. Innovative IoT sensors determine suitable advice based on real-time data. For example, A mobile application based on real-time pulse and pressure levels, all measured through a smart cuff, can advise you to speed up or slow down your workouts.

As we look toward the future of wellness applications in 2024, it's clear that AI, 5G, IoT, and AR will play pivotal roles. We recommend you use these technologies to enhance the user experience. We would be happy to guide you if you are looking for expert guidance to open up new opportunities for businesses and industries to innovate and thrive. We help you build mobile apps that are more intelligent, connected, and immersive.


Custom wellness apps should provide AI-based personalized recommendations for meals, workouts, and daily routines. It should ensure top-tier gamification techniques for user retention and support a multilingual user base. These apps should be easily integrated with multiple smart devices, like smartwatches by different brands, smart scales, and more.