Boost Engagement with Practical UX Enhancements Skip to main content


10 Dec, 2019
3 min read

5 Ways to Enhance your Website UX

5 Ways to Enhance your Website UX - Banner

UX or user experience is the very intricate process of enhancing your user’s interaction with your website through better accessibility, usability, and efficiency. With the evolving and expanding web, the attention span of users is consistently declining. They only take a few seconds to make up their minds about your website, and your product or service by extension. Since websites are often the lead-converting elements or the after-sales experience in the customer journey, it is essential that they give the customers a valuable experience.

Here are 5 best practices to improve your website for the great User Experience :

1. Who’s your audience?

The very foundation of every user experience is to understand who we’re strategizing and formulating for. Understand your target audience in-depth and create a user persona for yourself. Identify the demographics as well as their character traits to ensure that what you create resonates with who you create it for. Also, analyze their interactions with platforms. For instance, are they more likely to see your website on their smartphones or desktops?

2. Keep it clean

Good design may often be subjective, but there are some principles that never fail you. Minimalism is one of them. You should express what your website stands for, without excessive text or visual aids. It always helps to have plenty of negative space or white space on the page.

Spacing makes the user feel like your website is open to use and enhances your content readability. For the crucial visuals that your website needs, use only high-resolution images. Remember that everything on these few pages represents your brand to the outside world.

Ensure the colors of your website to be balanced, easy on the eyes and not more than two or three in number. There are plenty of things that look better with multiple colors, websites aren’t one of them!

3. Improve Speed and Efficiency

In the age of 4G internet, we all run low on patience with websites that are slow. Studies show that the majority of people will not stay on a website for more than 3 seconds if it doesn’t load. All visitors expect to have a smooth, quick experience without having to see a revolving loading icon.

Optimize images that take too much time to load or are heavy. Identify what is causing the server to load slowly and find alternatives. You can also use accelerator plugins to enhance the performance of your website.

Google provides free services and tools to improve your website performance across different devices. Make good use of them and explore the tips and suggestions by Google to make your website better!

4. Content is Key

There are a lot of things in the digital world up for debate in today’s era, but there is consensus on the fact that content, in this age, is king. For your website, users should be able to comprehend all the information that they came looking for through your content. More importantly, they should form the kind of image of your brand, that you intended.

Blogs are an interesting way of giving out a lot of additional information, without spamming your user. Weigh your content options thoughtfully and decide what is crucial and what can be done away with.

Very importantly, you must have clear and strong Call to Actions throughout your website. Users navigate through the website using these CTAs as cues. They are imperative to be giving a website visitor an easy, comfortable experience.

It may also play a huge role in lead conversion. CTA buttons should be actionable, emotive and time-sensitive.

5. Stay Consistent

Lastly, visual and written consistency can be the game-changer for your website. There shouldn’t be any drastic changes or massive inconsistencies in the visuals or language. Make sure the fonts, sizes, elements, styles, and spacing is coherent throughout the website. The user experience will flow seamlessly if all of these are aligned with each other.

All in all, it is necessary to give your visitors, potential customers or clients a positive experience while on your website. There is always some improvement to be done or some content to be updated. Make sure you consistently get feedback from stakeholders to understand their experience and know what you can do to make it better. You can use plenty of resources online, like, a tool that allows you to improve your website against specific criteria.