Cloud Native Applications Architecture: Benefit & Challenges Skip to main content


8 Jan, 2024
3 min read

Cloud-Native Application Architecture: Benefits and Challenges

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Cloud-native applications have been a popular trend in recent years. As the benefits of the cloud-based model are so great, it is impossible not to consider moving business operations to it. Such technologies empower businesses to run and build scalable applications in dynamic environments like public, private, and hybrid clouds.

Cloud-native applications are designed to reside in the cloud from the start. Here, applications are built as microservices and are run on containerized platforms using cloud computing models. These applications are made and optimized for cloud scale and performance, use managed services, and take advantage of continuous delivery to achieve reliability.

Do you want to know more about cloud-native applications and how they benefit and challenge businesses? Here is your read!

What is Cloud Native Application Architecture?

The cloud-native applications consist of microservices, each serving its function. The developer uses the cloud-native approach where a single code structure containing all the required functionalities is subdivided into smaller code structures called microservices, each performing one function. Hence, cloud-native applications become more agile as these functions run independently and take minimal computing resources.

Benefits of Choosing Cloud-Native Applications

Organizations gain a competitive advantage using cloud-native software applications. Here are some of the benefits of choosing cloud-native applications:


Cloud-native applications implement agile practices like DevOps and continuous delivery (CD). It helps you create an effective process for getting your product to market.

  • You can integrate small pieces of code that is easy and simple to handle
  • Fault isolations are easy to patch
  • Reduces Mean Time To Resolution (MTTR)


Cloud providers offer automatic scaling capabilities. Developers can build scalable applications to meet unpredictable traffic spikes without manual intervention. One can scale up or down databases and other resources as required.

Also, using microservices to build native cloud applications allows it to be split into smaller components that can be scaled independently without affecting other components. Developers can choose and work on a component rather than the entire application.

  • Can handle users, transactions, and data volume without compromising performance
  • Maintains/ improves the app's loading speed, response time, and uptime
  • Is reliable as loads increase


React native application architecture allows you to choose the programming language, tools, and framework you want your application to build into. Developers can use specific tools as per their choice. However, the popular languages that developers use to develop them are Java and Python.

  • Orchestration solutions like Kubernetes help it to be updated in zero time
  • Offers ease of management
  • Build resilient and highly available applications

Reduced Costs

One of the benefits of using cloud-native applications is the reduced costs. Compared to traditional applications that need upfront investment in hardware, software, and maintenance costs from you, cloud providers manage most of the infrastructure. You don't need to purchase hardware and other software that reduces the overall cost of ownership.

  • Offers Pay-as-you-go model
  • Cloud providers manage storage infrastructure
  • Less IT staff needed
  • Service providers offer consistent upgrades to their services

Cloud-native application security

Cloud-native security incorporates security in the cloud-native application development strategy (software development lifecycle). Developers can ensure security via:

  • Zero trust architecture
  • Identity and Access Management
  • Principle of Least Privilege
  • Data protection policies

Challenges of Choosing Cloud-Native Applications

While cloud-based native apps offer you many benefits, businesses must take care of the following challenges that they need to address.

High dependence on the network:
Businesses should ensure there is high bandwidth internet to maintain their performance.
Lack of knowledge and expertise:
Businesses should hire cloud professionals with good specializations in DevOps and automation.
Ensure password security:
Businesses should ensure strong passwords and access control rights.
Cost management:
Businesses should audit systems regularly for cost optimization.
Pick service providers that comply with state laws and regulations.


Cloud-native applications are a software-building approach where applications are built, managed, and deployed in a cloud computing environment. These have become a top choice for all modern businesses that support frequent updates without compromising service delivery. They prove to be an excellent choice for building highly scalable, flexible, and resilient applications adapting to market-changing needs.

Innoraft offers cloud-native application development services. Our application development team will work to customize the tech solution to meet your specific business requirements. Also, we offer 24*7 tech support to assist you round the clock.