Unlock App Potential with UX UI Optimization for User Growth Skip to main content


20 Nov, 2023
4 min read

Find Out How An Awesome App UX helps you Retain And Acquire More Customers

Find Out How An Awesome App UX helps you Retain And Acquire More Customers - Banner

If you want your app-based startup to grow, you need to attract and retain users! To do so, your app must first provide users value. It could be solving a pain point or meeting user goals.

People go to the app store because they have a need that your app may fulfill. Designing a user experience works on ways to make software use easy, delivering solutions that address the customer's needs.

An excellent UX design plays a crucial role in determining the success of apps. This blog explores UX design, its role in retaining customers, and ways to enhance UX design for the application's success. Continue reading to find out!

What is App UX Design?

It is designing pleasing and engaging interactions between a software product, an app, and its user. You can put it as a feeling users encounter while interacting with your business via the app. The end goal is to achieve the user's happiness with your app.

For example, Information Architecture, Interaction Design, Usability, Visual Design, and User Journeys come under app UX.

A good app UX consists of the following elements:

  • Clear and clutter-free design
  • Intuitive navigation
  • UX should follow design convention guidelines
  • Manage tap targets
  • UX should include action confirmations
  • Good readability score
  • Easy accessibility

How Awesome App UX Helps You Retain And Acquire More Customers?

Jakob Nielsen, a Ph.D. in human-computer interaction, based on research on the human psychology of browsing, calculated that the amount of online business depends on three factors:

  • Unique visitors that visit you online (U)
  • Conversion rate (C)
  • Loyalty rate (L)

Revenue from an app= U*C*L

The mobile UX impacts two of these factors: conversion rate and loyalty rate. A great UX attracts customers to buy from you and creates a sense of brand loyalty among them. While SEO works directly to impact the number of online visitors, a great app UX also works to improve the ranking of your app.

For example, a UX that works on the heavy loading of the apps, insecure payment gateways, and attractive exit pop-ups make more sales/ profits than those that lack them. Google and other search engines also rank easy-to-load sites better and so on.

To deliver a great UX design, you must first plan and proceed in the right direction. For that, a UX designer plays an important role. In the next section, we have summed up 5 golden rules to design the best UX for your app.

5 Golden Rules To Enhance App UX

UX designers need to follow some essential steps to target the audience and build brand loyalty in them. Here are the 5 rules that you should follow to increase sales:

1. User Acceptance:

To attract customers in the cluttered marketplace, you must understand the users' requirements. There are different categories of users:

  • Power shoppers that desire a technically and strategically sound user experience
  • Recreational shoppers hang around and convert when their experience is alluring and awesome
  • Repeat shoppers that shop back from your app time due to the friendly and promising user experience

You should also take note of the offerings offered by your competitors and ensure more user value to stand out from the rest.

2. Easy To Use:

An app must be easy to use. Design a UX that seems convenient and gives your customers the feeling of being in a physical store. You can achieve this by putting on high visual quotients. You must include the following items in your app UX design:

  • High-quality images
  • Images from different angles
  • Business rating/ reviews

Also, the touch and feel of the buy now buttons make a great deal. Customers make purchases if it is easy to buy and lose interest if it doesn't work well in the first go.

3. Make the UX of the Payment Page Perfect:

It is the most important thing. When a user reaches payment, he is ready to convert. Choose appealing colors and easier navigations so users find it handy, easy, and convenient. Also, you can include the 'add to the cart' button as users feel more comfortable with it than the direct 'buy now' button. 

4. Security:

Your customers are key stakeholders in driving business. Hence, you should ensure 100% security and transparency when they make payments. Limit the number of transaction steps to three so users don't find waiting monotonous. Registered users should also never be asked for the same information again that they already submitted, as it annoys them.


5. Easy Checkouts:

App UX with cumbersome checkouts tends to be a deal breaker. You can consider the following tips while working on lucid checkouts:

  • The checkout option or button on the right-hand corner of the UX works great
  • Placing the checkout button next to the 'add to the cart option seems feasible to many users
  • Give user save for later to build loyalty

Your work of great app UX starts right from signing up to exploring to check out the process. The goal is to build a pleasant and fantastic experience for the app users.


The role of well-designed UI design in app development cannot be overstated, as it enhances customer experience, drives user engagement, and ultimately defines the success of an app. With a clear UX, businesses get an idea of their customers and work on increasing revenue.

Learn how Innoraft helps clients think through all aspects of building their app-focused startups. We are a web and app development company with professional expertise in app UX designing to bring in pleasant customer experience and make them loyal users of your app.