Introducing Bootstrap Version 5.3.1: What's New and Improved Skip to main content


12 Sep, 2023
2 min read

Introducing Bootstrap Version 5.3.1: What's New and Improved

Introducing Bootstrap Version 5.3.1: What's New and Improved - Banner

Pick Bootstrap if you want a framework to build a fast and responsive site!

Bootstrap is an open-source toolkit for building mobile-first sites, with jsDeliver and a template starter page. It uses CSS, HTML, and optionally Javascript frameworks for designing templates. It includes typography, buttons, forms, navigation, and other interface components for the front end of the website.

Bootstrap is easy to work with and is used by around 78.8% of the websites that use the CSS framework. It focuses on simplifying the development of informative pages while offering choices of color, size, font, and layout for that project.

Understanding Bootstrap's Current Version In Simpler Terms

Bootstrap is a framework that uses HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to create websites and web apps. It was designed to enable responsive development of mobile-first apps that are desktop sites, starting with mobile versions that can be extended to large screens later. Bootstrap allows developers to insert code into a predefined grid system. It is available pre-compiled or as source code.

Latest Version- The Bootstrap Version 5.3.1

The new Bootstrap version is here - Version 5.3.1! The version is all good, with fixed bugs, documentation improvements, and enhanced color modes to make your website more user-friendly and attractive.

The top highlights are:

Color Modes

  • Better quality color contrast for dark mode. This version replaces $gray-500 with $gray-300 for the body color
  • It now offers color mode switcher JavaScript for our example ZIP download


  • Version 5.3.1 offers improved disabled styling for all .nav-links. You can now use anchors and buttons
  • It supports the Home and End keys for navigating tabs by keyboard
  • It offers some styling for toggle buttons. However, no modifier class should be present
  • Fixes carousel colors in dark mode for a better experience


  • Version 5.3.1 fixes floating label disabled text color


  • You can now have .text-bg-* utilities that use CSS variables


  • Adds new $navbar-dark-icon-color Sass variable
  • Removes duplicate $alert Sass variables
  • Adds a new variable for $vr-border-width. It can now customize the vertical rule helper width


  • You can now search on your homepage
  • It has now improved responsive behavior on the Dashboard example
  • Improved dark mode rendering of Cheatsheet examples

Benefits of Using Bootstrap's Latest Version for Website Development

While building a new website, Bootstrap is a boon for you as you don’t need to code from scratch, but you can use its ready-to-use coding blocks, CSS-Less functionality, and cross-browser compatibility. It saves you from all the tedious work while ensuring quality.

Here is a list of the top 5 benefits of choosing Bootstrap for your website development:

  1. Easy Initiation
    You only need a little knowledge of CSS and HTML, and you are all good! You can easily design an enticing landing page using Bootstrap. You can also integrate it well into the old websites
  2. Responsiveness
    Bootstrap is a mobile-responsive website with a fluid grid layout that adapts to the screen resolution
  3. Customizable
    If you are looking for ready-made templates, Bootstrap is your pick! However, if you don’t find them appealing enough, Bootstrap offers customization options using the CSS file. Besides, you can blend the customization features with the existing code to enhance the functionality of your website and make it the right fit for your business. You can also hire an established software development company - Innoraft to customize the web development for your business.
  4. User-Centric
    A website’s landing page needs to engage your audience. With Bootstrap, you can design landing pages that complement your target audience’s requirements. It best enhances UX by suggesting elements like photos and call-to-action (CTA) that look best for your audience.
  5. Support
    Bootstrap has a huge support community where you can get answers to every query. You only need to share a query; the community will help you solve it.


Bootstrap makes responsive websites a reality. It allows applications/ websites to identify a visitor's screen size. It then automatically adapts to the same. Bootstrap addresses the requirements of mobile-first technologies in design while including user interface components to implement a phenomenal web development framework for your business.