Drupal Site Audit Checklist: Key Elements to Include Skip to main content


9 May, 2023
5 min read

Key Elements to Include in Your Drupal Site Audit Checklist

Key Elements to Include in Your Drupal Site Audit Checklist - Banner

Websites are a complex technology, and problems will always develop. However, it's possible to be unaware of these problems if the site audit isn't done correctly and frequently enough. What occurs subsequently is obvious: you fail to recognize a variety of website difficulties that prevent potential users from accessing your website, thus impeding the development of your business website. 

As a website owner or administrator, it's crucial to regularly conduct site audits to ensure that your Drupal website runs smoothly and efficiently. A site audit involves a comprehensive review of various aspects of your Drupal site, including its performance, SEO, and overall health. 

By conducting a thorough Drupal site audit, you can identify any issues or areas for improvement and take the necessary actions to optimize your website's performance, security, and user experience. In this blog post, we will discuss the essential elements of a Drupal site audit checklist, including a Drupal website audit, a Drupal performance audit, and a Drupal SEO audit, to help you effectively assess and optimize your Drupal website.

What is the need for a Drupal Website Performance Audit?

Website audits are typically performed as a regular review or quarterly before migration.

  • It is essential to audit your site regularly to improve its performance and prepare for future improvements.
  • When migrating a Drupal 7 (or 6) website to the latest version (Drupal 9), a migration audit is essential for a successful migration. Read this article for a handy checklist before migrating to Drupal 9.
  • Uncover website pain points, provide competitive insights, and point the way for digital fulfillment.
  • Drupal periodically releases updates, security patches, and other updates to improve site security, personalization, and performance. In addition, regular audits help keep you up to date with the latest best practices.

Drupal Performance Optimization: Enhancing Website Speed and User Experience

Drupal, a popular open-source content management system (CMS), is renowned for its flexibility and scalability. However, as websites grow in size and complexity, performance issues may arise, leading to slow page load times and a decreased user experience. This is where Drupal performance optimization comes into play.

Drupal performance optimization involves various techniques aimed at improving the speed and overall performance of a Drupal website. One crucial step in this process is a thorough Drupal performance audit. A performance audit assesses the website's performance by analyzing factors such as server configuration, database performance, caching mechanisms, code quality, and third-party modules. In addition, it helps identify bottlenecks and areas that need improvement.

Optimizing images and code can also have a significant impact on website performance. For example, compressing images, lazy loading, and optimizing CSS and JavaScript files can reduce the amount of data that needs to be transmitted, resulting in faster load times. Additionally, optimizing database queries, reducing unnecessary database calls, and cleaning up database tables can improve overall database performance.

Key Essential Elements in the Drupal Site Audit Checklist

1. Drupal Website Audit

A Drupal website audit is a comprehensive evaluation of your website's overall health, including its design, functionality, security, and content. It involves reviewing various aspects of your Drupal site to identify any issues that may affect its performance or usability. Here are some key elements to include in your Drupal website audit checklist:

  • Design and Theme: Evaluate the design and theme of your Drupal site to ensure it is visually appealing, user-friendly, and responsive across different devices and browsers. Check for any outdated or incompatible themes, broken or inconsistent layouts, and design elements that may impact the user experience.
  • Functionality and Features: Review the functionality and features of your Drupal site to ensure they are working correctly and providing a seamless user experience. Check for any broken links, missing or outdated modules, and deprecated functionalities that may affect the performance and usability of your site.
  • Content and Media: Review the content and media on your Drupal site to ensure they are up-to-date, accurate, and optimized for search engines. Check for any duplicate content, broken images or videos, and missing alt tags that may affect your site's SEO and user experience.
  • Navigation and Usability: Evaluate the navigation and usability of your Drupal site to ensure users can easily find and access the information they need. Check for any broken or inconsistent navigation links, confusing menus, or inaccessible content that may impact the user experience.
  • Security and Updates: Review the security measures and updates of your Drupal site to ensure it is protected against potential security threats. Check for outdated or vulnerable modules, insecure configurations, and missing security patches that may expose your site to security risks.
  • Performance and Load Time: Evaluate the performance and load time of your Drupal site to ensure it is optimized for speed and performance. Check for any slow-loading pages, large image sizes, and unnecessary JavaScript or CSS files that may affect your site's performance and user experience.

2. Drupal Performance Audit

A Drupal performance audit focuses on evaluating the performance and speed of your website to ensure it is optimized for fast loading times and a smooth user experience. Here are some key elements to include in your

Drupal performance audit checklist:

  • Page Load Times: Measure the page load times of your Drupal site using tools like Google PageSpeed Insights or GTmetrix to identify any slow-loading pages. Optimize images, leverage browser caching, and minimize the use of unnecessary scripts or CSS files to improve page load times.
  • Server and Database Performance: Review your Drupal site's server and database performance to ensure they are optimized for the efficient processing of requests. Check for any slow or overloaded servers, inefficient database queries, and inadequate caching mechanisms that may affect your site's performance.
  • Content Delivery Network (CDN): Evaluate the use of a Content Delivery Network (CDN) on your Drupal site to ensure it is effectively delivering content to users from geographically distributed servers. Check for any misconfigured or underutilized CDNs that may affect your site's performance for users in different regions.
  • Caching and Compression: Review the caching and compression mechanisms of your Drupal site to ensure they are effectively caching and compressing.

Wrapping Up

Conducting a thorough Drupal website audit is a crucial step in ensuring a Drupal website's optimal performance, security, and functionality. The essential elements of a Drupal site audit checklist include evaluating the website's design and layout, content structure, technical setup, security measures, performance optimization, and SEO best practices.

In conclusion, a thorough Drupal site audit is essential for maintaining a high-performing, secure, and optimized website. By addressing any issues identified during the audit, website owners and administrators can ensure that their Drupal website is running smoothly, providing a positive experience for users, and achieving its intended goals. Therefore, regular Drupal site audits should be considered a best practice for website maintenance and optimization.