Revamp Your Online Presence: Powerful Web Audit Checklist Skip to main content


30 Aug, 2023
4 min read

Website Audit Checklist: Unlocking the Secrets to Success!

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Don't wait for figurative wheels to come flying off to realize that your website needs an audit! If you timely identify and rectify problems with your website, it will save you expensive repairs. Moreover, an effective website ensures optimal performance and gets you business.

Websites are the first step in building your business's reputation. According to the study, about 75% of any business's customers judge their credibility based on their website.

Website audit reports are the key to a complete picture of the current effectiveness of your site- both in terms of performance and speed. It helps you further optimize your website to help you get more traffic.

If you, too, want to revamp your online presence, we have come up with a powerful website audit checklist. Get higher Google rankings with these top 5 actionable steps that you'll love in this guide.

What Should a Website Audit Include?

For all the websites, there is a list of things that work together to make them tick and are complicatedly specific. All you need is to plan a website audit checklist and work on fixing the website. Here we have compiled the top 5 steps that you must follow in every SEO website audit:

Find and Fix Google Indexing Problem

It is high time you find web pages that Google isn't indexing; let's fix it first! To do so, fire up the good ol' Google search console. Check out the index coverage report. You can also double-check it using the free SEO tool Screaming Frog. It crawls the web pages like Google does and will help find the page it can't access.

For example, it helps you find pages with a noindex tag or those you accidentally block with your robots.txt file. After completing the website audit, you should fix that.

On-page SEO Audit Checklist

An on-page SEO audit is super important! Now, you may not have time to fix every website page. Fortunately! Here is what can save you!

Identify the five most important pages on your website. You can choose the pages that target essential keywords for your website or those that get more traffic than they did back in the day.

Optimize these five pages by including keywords in your title tag. Also, include your keyword in the first 100 words. You should add five or more external and internal links. We suggest you use LSI (Latent Semantic Indexing) keywords.

The Technical SEO Audit Checklist

A technical SEO audit includes analyzing the website code. You should study the code for bugs, errors, or security vulnerabilities. You should examine the HTML, CSS, JavaScript code, and server-side scripting languages, such as PHP or Python. Check if all the coding is well structured, optimized for performance, and free from security vulnerabilities.

Check the website's configuration. It will include its hosting environment, server settings, and database structure. You can check for slow page loading times and broken links.

Check Organic Traffic

Working on organic traffic is a great way to increase your brand's visibility. To do so, go to Google Analytics and follow the following steps. 

Click Acquisition >> All Traffic >> Channels>> Organic Search.

You will find out how many visitors have visited your site from the search engine during the last month. You can also set the dates for the previous six months. If there is no traffic, don't worry! You can work on the loopholes once you finish the website audit checklist.

Find and Delete Zombie Pages

Type "" into the search bar of Google. Google will show you how many pages it has indexed. If it's higher than you thought, you're not alone. These are the zombie pages that you should remove. It boosts your Google traffic.

Deleting zombie pages will also make website SEO audits easier. As it says, "Lesser pages mean fewer problems." Here are the most common types of Zombie Pages: archive pages, category and tag pages (WordPress), old press releases, and boilerplate content.

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Tips and Tricks from Innoraft

  • SEO website audit evaluates all factors that impact your website's ranking in SERPs (search engine results pages).
  • Outdated software leads to different vulnerabilities. You should ensure that all the website's applications and software are updated. Also, ensure the website's database and all sensitive data are protected and encrypted.
  • While you are checking for indexing problems and finding a blocked page, double-check if it's purposely blocked for a reason. For example, you don't want Google to index every single comment page of a website, and there, we have intentionally thrown a noindex tag.

Innoraft- Hire An Agency to Audit and Fix Your Website

It is possible to draft a website audit checklist on your own and conduct the audit, but employing an agency like Innoraft can help you get answers in less time. We start by crawling your website pages and use various professional tools to evaluate every SEO metric, such as crawling, indexing, security, usability, and other technical errors.

We make sure that your website ranks highly in search results so that you can reach your target audience easily. Also, we offer a 24*7 technical support service. You can connect with us for Web development and IT services.


Website auditing is necessary when you bring about a significant change, economically or technically. We also recommend a website SEO audit when you change your marketing strategies or channels. It identifies performance issues and boosts search engine visibility. By correcting your website's issues, you can ensure that visitors have a good experience with your business.