Landing Page Best Practices: What Makes a Good Landing Page CTA Skip to main content


6 Sep, 2021
5 min read

What Makes a Good Landing Page Call to Action?

What Makes a Good Landing Page Call to Action? - Banner

You must be aware that apart from content, the landing page call to action is another crucial component that can drive the visitors to perform an action you desire. The CTA can ensure you have effective online campaigns and can improve conversions through your website. This article will discuss the various ways to create effective CTAs on your landing page.

Businesses are focusing more on their online presence than ever before. They must tweak their digital strategies to reach out to a more significant section of their audience at a relatively enhanced RoI. There is an increased focus on their website and is used to ensure a steady flow of visitors. The workflows help to embark with the visitors on the buyer's journey that culminates in a sale.

What Makes Landing Page Call to Action Buttons so Important?

You can use the CTA buttons as a significant component of your landing page. It allows your prospects to move to the next stage in the workflow as envisaged by you. These buttons must be easily spotted and should be placed appropriately on the landing page. You must have powerful words along with a compelling proposition on the CTA button. Let us first understand the psychology behind the use of the call to action on the landing page.

Grabs the Attention of Visitors

Your landing page must persuade the visitor to take the path you have laid down for them. A call to action button with the perfect colour, font and content can entice the visitor to click on it and embark on the buyer’s journey with you.

Motivates the Visitor to Act

Most brands use colours and fonts in line with their branding guidelines that motivates the visitors to act. It enhances the conversions from your campaigns and informs the visitors about what lies ahead. The visitors are more likely to click if they know what lies ahead.

Makes a Specific Request

You may find a landing page making too many requests to a visitor. But always make a few requests and do not confuse the visitors. The CTA button informs the visitors what to do and places it at a suitable position on the landing page.

Essential Landing Page Call to Action Best Practices

It is crucial to optimize the CTAs to ensure improved conversions from your website. The renowned brands use innovative CTAs to entice users to act. We will now discuss some of the tips to create an effective landing page CTA button. 

Write Enticing Text

If you are working on enticing web content, why shouldn't you bother about the content for the call to action on the landing page? You must opt for action-packed words and do away with the boring ones. It is the content that makes the visitor decide whether to act or not. Always mention what the visitors can expect as an outcome of clicking on the CTA button.

Make it Clear and Concise

The clarity in the content is necessary if you look forward to receiving an adequate number of clicks on the landing page call to action. The visitors are usually impatient. If the content isn't concise and clear, they will not bother to click on it. Therefore, always use effective and short phrases and try to keep the content within a few characters.

Place it Logically

Another critical factor to consider is the placement of the landing page CTA. Placing it is an essential part of a proper UX design. Place the button on the path that the visitors will take when they are on the landing page. It is necessary that there is a natural flow and is present where the visitors expect it to be. You may adhere to the general layout of a call to action as users may be acquainted with it.

Create an Urgency

Many brands create urgency in their marketing messages and social media posts. It would be best if you create urgency on the CTAs as well. It is an effective way to enhance clicks and conversions on the landing page. It is because visitors would fear missing out on the offer you have proposed. Using time-related phrases or adding a countdown timer can add to conversion chances.

Consider the Colours Used

When creating the landing page call to action buttons, we forget to consider the colours used. It must match the overall branding requirements and complement the other colours used on the website. Choosing the right colour can attract visitors and take the action you desire. The colour of the CTA button must be such that it distinguishes it from the surrounding elements.

Create Curiosity

Many of us act when we find something unique around us. Similarly, you can build a sense of anticipation in the minds of the visitors through the content on the CTA button. Creating a limited time offer instils a sense of urgency among the visitors. The fear of missing out on the proposal can induce more conversions from website users.

Keeping it Above the Fold

Place the call to action on the landing page where the visitors can find it easily. Ideally, if you place it above the fold, the visitors need not search the whole landing page. The users will first see the banner on the landing page. They will not miss the CTA if it is above the fold, and you can also put across your message without much fuss. Keep the supporting information below the fold. 

Using Responsive Design

Web admins must consider the fact that several of the website visitors will use a mobile device. Therefore, you must consider a responsive and interactive website design when creating the landing page CTA. The buttons must be of an ideal size and should be easily readable on screens of all sizes. You can test the size of the CTAs across various software agents and screen sizes.

Test and Refine the Call to Action

You must undertake regular A/B testing of the CTA button on the landing page. You can make small changes in the entire context and find out the differences in user behaviour. Test the colour, font, placement of the button, and check what is adequate for your audience. Also, check whether the link is working correctly and moving to where you have wished.

Few Action Examples for Using Call to Action Buttons

We will now discuss a few use cases of how you can use the CTAs.

Using Gated Content

You can drive the visitors to download a flyer, product brochure, case study, whitepaper, etc. The landing page must have the requisite content about the benefits associated with the product. You can then entice them to provide their name and email address for access to the document.


Businesses can use the CTA procedure for registrations to an event or an online webinar. For example, you can use it to register the visitors for a restricted free trial of the product you offer or appointment bookings.


The most common use is to make the visitor click through and visit the page you wish. So, for example, it could ideally lead to your portfolio pages, and it helps you assess the number of visitors interested in what you offer.


The CTAs form the basis of the landing page, and the optimally created CTAs can provide the needed impetus to your landing page. It can improve the quality of leads you have and increase conversions. It is also challenging to have the right CTAs on the landing page. We have discussed the landing page call to action best practices in this article. Our team of experts is always ready to help you with any of your queries.