Anticipating the Top Emerging Mobile Commerce Trends Skip to main content


4 Nov, 2022
9 min read

What Will Be the Top Emerging Mobile Commerce Trends

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Mobile technology has completely revolutionized the way people use their time. People are "on the go" more than ever before. Mobile is at the forefront of technology, and the future of mobile technologies & the Internet is Mobile Commerce (m-commerce). It is a form of e-commerce that lets customers browse or search for information, products, and services to purchase using their mobile phones and other wireless devices. As a result, mobile users and their spending on mobile apps are increasing. The growth in mobile commerce is not just trending because it's the new way to shop; it's trending because it's the only way to shop. The credit for this increase is due to several mobile commerce trends developed and adopted by merchants & customers.

Mobile commerce is a growing trend that has become popular as technology grows. Lower Internet services, easier access to smartphones, and improved connectivity have all been significant factors in making m-commerce the standard sales channel for businesses. Therefore, mobile commerce is no longer a choice for enterprises; it has become necessary. As a result, the shortest path to success for brands across business strategies and industry verticals is to build their online presence with a mobile-first approach.

Why You Should Use M-Commerce and What Does it Entail?

Customers can browse online stores and place their orders without laptops or computers due to m-commerce technologies. It is a great way to use online banking, manage your bills, and pay for many services using your mobile device, apart from shopping. However, how does m-commerce differ from e-commerce? M-commerce involves mobile devices, whereas e-commerce allows users to purchase online using their PCs. Using laptops on the go is inconvenient, making it difficult to complete transactions quickly and effectively.

Retailers can communicate with customers more personally due to mobile commerce. Customers receive customized shopping experiences owing to user-friendly push notifications, AI integrations, one-click checkouts, and various payment methods, which encourage them to buy with you again.

Mobile commerce offers customers a variety of personalized purchasing options as well as additional marketing channels. Such apps can go viral and leverage their consumer base much faster with mobile-only offers, discounted prices, free shipping for app users, and coupons & promo codes.

Mobile Commerce General Statistics

The m-commerce statistics have indicated a huge market, but there may be more growth. As a result, it might be time for professionals in the retail industry, such as marketers, retailers, and others, to get involved while staying abreast of the most recent trends. To help, we have compiled some of the most important statistics on this industry and its prospects.

  • The growth in mobile commerce market share has increased to 72.9%. Emerging e-commerce markets in mobile-first economies primarily drive this trend.
  • More than 80% of customers used their smartphones inside a physical store to research products, compare pricing, or find different stores.
  • Consumer spending on mobile apps increased by 20% over time, to more than $130 billion in 2021, from over $111 billion in 2020.
  • Around 54% of all mobile commerce payments are made through specific m-commerce apps, making them the preferred method for mobile online shopping.
  • With over 950 million smartphone users, China surpassed all other nations in the world in 2021. However, the second-largest smartphone market was in India. Given that they also have the greatest populations in the world, these two nations are predicted to stay at the forefront of the list of mobile users. However, due to the relatively low rate of smartphone use, they still offer significant development potential.

Important Emerging Mobile Commerce Trends

The advent and development of mobile technology have transformed every aspect of our daily lives. As a result, consumer buying behavior has changed dramatically over the years and will thrive in the future of mobile commerce. Let's look at how these mobile commerce trends can help improve users' online shopping experiences.

Utilizing Mobile Apps for Shopping

It's no surprise that people are making online purchases using their mobile devices. But how individuals use those devices to shop is changing. In this digitally evolved world, mobile apps are becoming a significant part of retail, so it's essential to understand how they can help you serve your customers in new ways and grow your business.

Around 30% of consumers believe that the shopping experience will never be similar again when considering how the economy recovered after the pandemic. As a result, the need for online businesses to implement cutting-edge, feature-rich mobile app technology has increased. Thus, mobile app buying is increasing, providing online retailers many opportunities.

High Mobile Phone Sales Volumes

Mobile phone sales have increased rapidly with the growth in mobile commerce. Customers find it more convenient to make purchases using their smartphones and tablets. But since 2019, iPad and tablet sales have been declining. Thus, sales made through smartphones are continually rising. For example, a push notification about a flash sale sent to a tablet won't be as effective as the same message sent to a smartphone. While you will see the smartphone notification instantly, the tablet message will probably not be seen for some time. Thus, mobile apps and smartphones for shopping are rising as the demand for mobile commerce continues to grow.

Simple Ordering

Since more customers shop on their mobile devices, e-commerce business owners must make the mobile checkout experience as simple as possible. Previously, placing an order online required a lengthy process and a lot of information from the customer. You often need the buyer's details, including the customer name, credit or debit card number, expiration date, shipping address, billing address, etc., for an online transaction to be processed.

It takes time to manually enter this data each time a customer wants to make an online purchase. However, you can add a customer's information to their user profile using a mobile e-commerce app. They will only have to manually enter such time-consuming details each time they purchase. It implies that users need to enter this information once in an app before using it to shop several times with a single click.

Social Commerce

By allowing customers to make direct purchases from their platforms, social commerce is reshaping the paradigm of conventional e-commerce and allowing businesses to bring their stores to their customers. As of 2022, internet users globally spent an average of 147 minutes per day on social media, up from 145 minutes the previous year. In addition, by offering a one-click checkout option within the app, retailers can grab customers' attention and profit from it.

Creating shoppable social media postings by businesses is an emerging phenomenon in mobile commerce trends. Companies can make such posts with the functionalities of Facebook pages and Instagram business accounts. Businesses advertise their products directly to customers by tagging them in these posts. Users are directed immediately to the product page, where they can complete their purchase when they click on the tag. As per a recent study, businesses using Instagram for shopping have seen traffic increase by over 1000% and revenue increase by 20%.

Augmented Reality (AR)

Augmented reality is one of the cutting-edge features utilized in mobile apps to enhance the user experience. It places digital items over the physical environment. It improves the customer experience by enabling users to imagine what they will buy online. There are already mobile applications with built-in augmented reality elements that greatly simplify online shopping for shoppers. For instance, let's assume that your e-commerce website sells clothing. With a mobile retail app, you can utilize AR to measure customers and suggest the perfect fit. Even more, you could customize orders to a person's precise dimensions. Consider it a virtual tailor.

The most common uses of augmented reality on social media include Snapchat and Instagram filters. The AR and VR sectors will reach around $35 billion by 2025. A modern solution to the traditional purchasing experience, augmented reality is made possible by the convenience and safety of mobile commerce.

Voice Shopping

Mobile app users can search for any item using voice commands due to the voice search feature. It is among the most beneficial features in mobile commerce trends, simplifying and speeding up online customer searches. For instance, voice search is easier and more efficient than navigating when buying on a mobile phone. It allows you to rapidly find an item without wasting time on complex item names or writing search terms.

The usage of voice assistants like Siri and Alexa has increased in recent years. These voice assistants are accessible through an increasing number of apps and devices. According to recent research, more than 33 million US customers want to use voice search on their smart speakers to shop in 2022. It has become the most helpful feature in M-commerce trends that enables online shopping. For starters, the website must be voice search-optimized. However, it would be preferable if you considered making your mobile app voice-friendly.

Mobile Omnichannel Shoppers

The process of selling products through multiple channels is known as omnichannel retail. Physical stores, mobile apps, and e-commerce websites are different shopping methods. Omnichannel retail aims to connect everything so that customers have a consistent experience no matter how they engage with your company. All mobile commerce players must recognize that omnichannel marketing helps cut through the competition and efficiently explore new markets.

Omnichannel integrates all messaging with a potential customer across all channels. This approach is crucial because over 90% of customers interact with businesses across many channels before purchasing. Depending on the customer's browsing behavior, you can customize the customer's promotion or recommendation. For instance, let's assume they recently used your mobile commerce app to explore a specific product. The customer enters a retail store the next day. To ensure a seamless omnichannel shopping experience, you can initiate a discount for a particular product.

Mobile Chatbots

We are all aware that chatbots have existed for a long time. For various reasons, you've interacted with chatbots in your personal life. Numerous business owners are already using chatbot technology on their e-commerce websites. It is currently one of the best methods for providing customer service. Over the past several months, chatbots have interacted with more than 65% of customers worldwide.

To stay competitive, all companies with e-commerce websites must implement this technology in their mobile apps. The benefits of utilizing chatbots on the web can all be transferred smoothly to an app. Therefore, it will be a long until e-commerce store owners start including chatbots in their mobile commerce applications. You will utilize mobile chatbots to simplify e-commerce transactions more than before. Mobile commerce chatbots will become more prominent in the coming years.

Location-based Marketing provides a Personalized Experience

If you are an online retailer with a physical store, location-based marketing might be advantageous. Increasing online interaction and foot traffic to your retail store, reaching customers nearby, and raising brand awareness are successful uses of location-based marketing. In addition, this approach enables users in the neighborhood to find your store with similar interests and proximity.

Customers frequently look up nearby stores when making an online purchase. So, to build your company's reputation in the community, location-based marketing can be helpful. Now, smartphone apps have features like push notifications for a particular location.

Mobile Payments

Over the past few years, mobile wallet use has increased. It is applicable for both in-store and online purchases. When buying products through a mobile retail app, customers use mobile wallets like Apple Pay or Android Pay to complete the transaction. They can shop quickly, conveniently, and securely this way. Additionally, they can utilize these wallets at participating brick-and-mortar stores that support touchless payment.

IoT integration with mobile payment technologies makes it easier for customers and businesses to transact, providing quick and easy transactions on both sides. In addition, many Individuals are turning to IoT-based mobile payment technologies since they offer more safety and convenience. According to Statista, more than 1,930 million users are expected in the mobile POS payments segment by 2027.

Does Innoraft Help with Mobile Commerce?

Customers are seeking more convenient ways to shop as the world moves toward digitalization. Online shoppers are increasingly embracing the growth of mobile commerce, especially since the entry of COVID. Making a mobile app for your e-commerce website is the simplest method to stay current with new technology and the times. With the help of the ecommerce app development company Innoraft, you can create mobile-friendly websites.

The ever-evolving consumer experience is at the forefront of the above mobile commerce trends. Retailers who embrace and implement these changes early on will be better positioned for success now and in the future as customer behavior and the retail landscape evolve. As a website development company, Innoraft offers smooth ui/ux design for mobile applications.