Drupal for SEO: Why Drupal is the Best CMS for SEO-Friendly Skip to main content


13 Aug, 2021
5 min read

Why Drupal is Best CMS for SEO Friendly Website Development

Why Drupal is Best CMS for SEO Friendly Website Development - Banner

What makes Drupal website development the best CMS for SEO-friendly websites? It is the Drupal modules that make it a robust system to achieve top search engine ranking. Here let's see how Drupal can control all the elements of web pages with the help of its already installed automation tools.

There has been a change in consumer behavior that has led to a shift in business strategies. Businesses are using their website as a means of collecting high-quality leads. Drupal is the CMS of choice for most feature-rich websites. It has a modular design that allows easy addition of features through the installation of necessary modules.

Drupal can be used to build any website, be it an e-commerce website or a corporate website. The CMS allows creating features and will enable you to implement your strategies with ease. When you are undertaking Drupal website development, you must also ensure that the SEO best practices are being followed. It will help to enhance mindshare and brand recall that will eventually lead to a higher conversion rate.

Drupal is the Ideal CMS for your Website

Drupal is an enterprise-level CMS and is a leader for complex projects. There is an increasing need for businesses to introduce features on the fly and cater to the changing behavior of clients. There is a need for improved client experience and interconnective elements and interconnective devices.

It is an open-source CMS, and the only price associated with it is the development cost of developing a website with Drupal. Hence, the total cost of owning the website decreases as there are no licensing fees. Furthermore, as it is open-source, your developers can benefit from global communities to help maintain and upgrade the website. So, several renowned entities use Drupal for developing their website.

Developers can receive information from others through the robust communities that exist across the globe. It also proves to be easy for businesses to integrate other third-party tools. Being open-source has other benefits like ensuring an open cloud, and you can readily request changes from other experienced members in the community.

Drupal can help build heavier websites and has several crucial modules that can help to add features faster. But can it help in website SEO? Yes, it does.

Drupal has Several SEO-Friendly Features

SEO Friendly URLs

One of the essential factors of SEO is that your website must have customized URLs. You must maintain a subtle balance in creating URLs which crawlers can understand and your visitors alike. There is a functionality that allows you to create individual URLs for various types of content. In addition, there are URL aliases, and you can have URLs like example.com/blogs/name-of-article.

If you have the time, you can manually create the URLs. A better option is to use the Pathauto module. It will allow you to make the URL that will match the content that has been created. The web admins can create user-friendly URLs in bulk too. The module can generate the path aliases for different users, nodes, etc., without anyone specifying the aliases manually.

The aliases are based on some pattern system that can use a token which the web admins can change. Hence, the website visitors can better understand what they can view on the web page. The module is compatible with Drupal 9 too.

Few In-Built Capabilities set it apart from Other CMSs

Are you aware that Drupal can do away with SEO plug-ins that other CMSs require? You can create customized meta tags that come automatically with this CMS. You must utilize different plug-ins to enable this feature in other CMSs.

We all know that a website must be responsive to enjoy SEO brownie points. There could be issues when you work with other CMS. However, you do not face such hassles if the website is designed on Drupal. It considers a responsive website design to be necessary for modern websites and covers this feature by default.

The CMS also supports Resource Description Framework (or RDF), which acts as the semantic web foundation. It can also integrate with Google Analytics easily.

Use Drupal Modules Readily to Improve SEO

One of the essential features of Drupal is that you can utilize different modules to include various om the website quickly. Therefore, you can develop a Drupal website and use the modules that can help in handling SEO.

The Redirect module in Drupal allows the creation of manual redirects. It also maintains a canonical URL for all available content and allows redirection of all the requests to that path. It is the API for deleting, loading, and saving the redirects. Also it automatically cleans the inactive redirects, and there is a redirect counter and the last used timestamp. The module can optimize the redirects and integrate them with the Drupal page cache.

The Metatag module helps in providing structured data automatically. The module also provides additional support for meta tags that will help to control how the content will show on social networks. It supports many commonly used meta tags, like the canonical URL, page title, description, etc. The user can take the help of global settings to control the meta tags across all the pages. There is multi-lingual support too.

The XML Sitemap allows the visitors to have an overview of the website and show the RSS feeds for the different categories and blogs. It is easy to set up, and you can include most of the URLs automatically. You can add custom URL links too. It is possible to manage the sitemap as you build the website. A sub-module can allow you to submit the website to search engines.

The Google Analytics module can tag the analytics tracking system to your website. You can ensure single / cross-domain tracking and can selectively exclude a few pages or users. You can monitor the links that are tracked and keep track of the files that are getting downloaded. In addition, it can track Drupal messages, track any errors like 404 pages not found, and 403 access denied.

Allows Customization Readily

Drupal allows developers to customize the website and quickly add features and stay ahead of the competition. But you will need capable developers to help you in designing the website. Drupal also helps the website adhere to global SEO best practices, allowing higher rank during keyword searches. The CMS also has some core features that help faster loading of websites and provides clean code. You must utilize Drupal website development services from a renowned services provider and stay acquainted with the SEO features.

Other Benefits of a Drupal Website Development

Drupal has an in-built taxonomy system that allows you to tag content and organize the rich keywords. SEO-friendly websites must have proper categorization to score high in search rankings. Drupal can also help design custom content templates and handle a massive amount of content. An SEO-friendly website must update its content regularly. In Drupal, you can quickly revisit the published content and modify it. It can also rectify any errors at the same time.


Businesses are increasingly facing competition from their peers. It becomes necessary that you use a CMS that can allow you to build a feature-rich website while ensuring it is SEO-friendly too. Most websites of the best brands are on the Drupal platform. You can develop a website using Drupal and improve your website SEO continuously.

The CMS is ideal for optimizing your website for search results. First, you must get in touch with a renowned Drupal development team. Our experts have several years of experience in designing and maintaining Drupal websites. We will be happy to help!